Tuesday, July 14, 2009

aliqhtt so im startinqq to qet used to this whole bloq thingg...thankks to the 2 of you that subscribeddd:)lol i quess with time comes more followers so im just qoinq to be patiant nd wait..NEWAY.. the new kanye sneak prices are outt i meann they like kinda nicee nd the pricess arent that bad atleast for them to be LV but i dont think ill be copinq them anytime soon esp wiff my lil bit of ooney i qet from babysittinq lol..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

alightt so i havent heardd this sonqq in a whilee but it really qot me thinking newayy this is my fav song for the week :) idkk how to post a video so qo check it out on youtube nick cannon can i live its the story about how his mom decided not to abortt himm

alightt im pretty excitedd about my neww blogg but any way i dont knoe exactly what im doingg but im sure ill find my way through this.like i always do anywayy todayy should be a good dayy but thats always depends on my actions i think imma just qonna chilllax for the dayy yah fee l meh but since im new to this whole blog thing could you qet ur friend nd people like that to add me so i can qet my blog up nd runnin thankss i would really apreciate itt